Saturday, October 25, 2008


Last night I was putting away my dental floss and it slipped and fell in the toilet. Since I slept most the day with a million layers on sweating and shivering a cold out of my system, I'm gonna cut myself some slack and say I wasn't running at full potential. But how often am I running at my full potential? There's always something distracting me.

Thought about that girl who is such a little racist asshole that she'd fake her own mugging and cut a backwards B on her face. Too blinded by her crazy agenda to think maybe an O for Obama would be less problematic in a mirror and would make more sense. If I was a hateful crazy, that'd be the kind of detail I skip. Luckily I'm not a hateful pile of vindictiveness like she seems to be.

How many just annoying stink pots of trouble does one run into in their lives? A lot. I'm so glad she got caught quickly and well before the election.

I don't think she harmed Obama's chances, but every woman who fakes an attack hurts the credibility of women who really are attacked. We don't need that bullshit thank you very much.

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