Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I think I need a humidifier for my apartment. The past 2 weeks have require the heat to be on and I'm soo darn dry. As I sit at my desk I can feel my back skin strain over my bad posture. Well at least it's helping me "sit up straight"

Does anything make me feel more like a sullen child more than "sit up straight"? I can't think of any.

I don't want to take a shower and inflict more damage to my skin. This week it's shower one day, bird bath in the sink on just my stinky parts the next. This solution has put a small dent in the moisture barrier, but my skin is still dry. meh.

I gotta ride my bike today. Working up a sweat may help. I also can feel my body tell me it's not that tired when I go to bed. Needs more activity. Monday I thought I was going to carry home a big box to ship off some paintings. But I didn't. Tuesday I carried a 30"x 40" canvas with 2 other painting saran wrapped to it onto the El. My grip got a work out, but that's about it.

Today I'll be cleaning my house and buying the last bit of ingredients and making cornbread. I think I'll be tired enough by then.

Ah well, off to my bird bath.

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